Families want more communication opportunities from their student’s school. 

By providing easy, accessible methods for communication your children also gain a significant benefit. Studies show that more communication with families and students ensure more accountability in the student’s progress at school. 

Having tools that give you the power to pro-actively reach out to families in the ways that serve them best is a powerful advantage for the family/ teacher/and administration communication channels.  

This kind of communication tool can also reduce the time that staff and teachers are spending to get messages to families. Numerous emails or phone calls often take up staff time, while being able to text a family member is often faster. The ability to send immediate, up-to-date information to families where teachers can send updates to a single family member or an entire class reduces the workload hours on teachers.  

Additionally, being able to track communication with families and seeing how your messages are being received and opened or clicked through can also provide strategic insight into how families at your school want to receive information and in what ways.  

Research shows that SMS open rates are as high as 98%, compared to just 20% of all emails. And, on average, it takes 90 seconds for someone to respond to a text and 90 minutes to respond to an email. 

With Educate,  you’re able to have an administrative view that enables you to drill down into sent messages and track open rates. Schools need a fully functional system that enables clear usage tracking, schools can easily and accurately manage costs with built-in tools that show how many texts, phone calls and emails you’ve sent for each unique student.  

These include having a tool that can report in real-time, success/failure notifications in regard to whether or not the message has been received by the family or student. The days of notes home sitting in a backpack till the end of the year are gone with the new advantages that strong student information can bring to your school.  

Educate allows schools to send important announcements to their entire communities via email, text and even phone as they reopen their physical or virtual doors this year. 

By providing pre-built and customizable templates, Educate helps schools send important messages to their community in seconds while ensuring that the messages families receive are clear and consistent across their campus—something that is crucial when students and parents are navigating a constantly shifting school landscape themselves. 

By using communications tools built directly into their existing student information system – rather than leveraging a third-party text and phone platform – schools integrate their communications directly into their day-to-day school and classroom management. Utilizing an integrated communications platform also completely removes the time-consuming and often error-prone process of shuttling data back and forth between various systems. School administrators can ensure that they’re using contact information that is the most up-to-date and that families are, in fact, receiving important messages about their students. 

The tools offered in the Communications Center allow for more than just sending messages directly from schools to their families. A social media integration post alerts and messages to a school’s social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter simultaneously, allowing schools to get their messages out to a broader audience. And, as Educate is a leading SIS for diocese, new enterprise-level communications functionality lets a diocese administrator create and send email, text and phone alerts to families across all their campuses at the same time. 

Learn how Educate supplies you with the tools you need to effectively communicate with your families.

Related Resources

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Educate Product Guide